Saturday, January 8, 2011


Purple in honor of the purple flowery nightgown I just cut out. It feels good to have it ready to sew. I also tried on a number of tops that I bought at Macy's yesterday with gift cards and a little cash thrown in. And I want to do some desk work today and also start on a fleece house jacket: Cut it out and start embellishing the pattern pieces before sewing it together. I'd love to keep all the tops, but that entails emptying out my closet of some things I don't wear anymore and that don't get to take up precious space in there anymore. Can this really be done? On a Saturday morning? Oops, it's almost 2 O'Clock! On a Saturday afternoon? Oh no. So much to do, so little daylight. I have found time to play in a number of my Scrabble games. Claudia seems to be playing this afternoon; the others were catch up.
Hurry, Dianne!

Sarah Palin's Alaska - We watched the one about Tod passing his Salmon fishing business to Trac last night. Sarah and her gang are just taking taking taking from nature. How much fish do these seas have? Is it really limitless? Does anyone care?
Not to mention the part about killing living beings. Some of the fish got away, and I was so happy. She's all into her family which is a good thing, but I don't know how she had time to read a thing on that 4th of July weekend at her in-law's house. I don't see this woman as a politician or leader. Especially of the greatest country in the free world! Notice I didn't put this review in my post title. Couldn't do it. Not because I wouldn't want anyone to know I watched, but because I wouldn't put her name in a title! Her little daughter Piper was my favorite. I hope that girl grows up into a democrat. So far she's the presidential material in that family.

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