Tuesday, January 4, 2011


The Jewel of St. Petersburg by Kate Furnivall - I just finished the last of my vacation reads, and I think it is a cleverly disguised romance novel. If you're into romance novels as a genre, then here you go; I think you'll enjoy this one. I liked the setting of the early 1900s leading up to the Russian Revolution. The main character, Valentina (I love that name, too) is spunky and clever. I think I read The Red Scarf by this author, and might have liked it a bit better.

I'm thinking of separating out some of my book reviews into an additional category that will include only the book review posts of those books I've really loved reading. The ones you wish wouldn't end. The ones you couldn't put down because you had to know what would happen. The ones that still give you a start when you hear the title years later. The ones that you might read again someday because you couldn't get enough. The downside is that a number of good books that don't quite reach the heights might be forgotten. Hmmm.

As for my Resolution to sew every day in January....Let's see.....I cut out the fabric on the first, didn't sew at all on the second, made good progress on the third, and today's the fourth. I could finish this nightgown today if I choose buttons, make the buttonholes, attach the yolk to the body of the gown, finish the sleeves and hem.
BUT I'm out the door to see a movie first, so we'll see....If I can get back to the nightgown before dusk, I'll be fine. I need the light to choose the buttons.

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