Sunday, January 30, 2011


Why is the dining room project (to clear off the table or at least clear it back to beading only) (and to clear off the floors and clean the room) so daunting. I am doing everything but that project, even though I said that I would do it first thing after church. Instead, I've made a batch of black beans and a batch of my brown/wild rice, talked to a friend on the phone, gone through Steve's discard paper pile (I'm trying to get him to tackle another pile or area each day.) and recycled and shredded where appropriate, checked and responded to emails, caught up in 12 Scrabble games, called a Craigslist responder, and now saw that I kind of want to do my hall closet thing. Which I will do, then I will start on the dining room with before and after pictures. I also took a picture of the skirt I finished a few days ago (that's it at the top of this post). I wore it to church, but didn't actually go to church, dropped Peter off for Sunday School, flew to Walgreens and Trader Joes, (those bags are still in the foyer, guess I'd better do them first first), came back to church, went to community center and chatted with friends, dropped off ceramic discard chochkees to Michelle so that her friend who does mosiacs can take them to the mosaic school, returned Life and Shine A Light to the library, and also read a little. So, don't be so hard on myself, right? It seems like I've done a lot today. Maybe instead of "it's already 2:30, I need to say "look at all I did before 2:30." OK, I really came up here to post our white GE stovetop and oven on Craigslist, because Steve installed the new stainless steel ones yesterday. They do look good. It's a nice treat to have new. New to us, not really new. Whew. OK, Craigslist post, Put Away Groceries, Hall Closet with photos, Dining Room.

With sew, more Craigslist postings, and read the Sunday paper still on the list.

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