Saturday, January 15, 2011


Lark & Termite by Jayne Anne Phillips - This was really good. It takes place in Korea in the early 1950s and then in West Virgina in the late 1950s. I enjoyed it for the story and the characters, especially Lark, Noreen and Lola. Others (especially book-clubbers who look for stuff) will enjoy it for all the symbolism, "coincidence" and common themes. It's a great read, with many mysteries and questions woven into the story to keep you reading. They come together in many different ways to please and satisfy the reader.

In the meantime, it's been a crazy week. I sewed every day except for yesterday when there just wasn't a minute to do so. My cherries fleece jacket is finished, button and all, and I'm about to cut out a blue fleece with hood per a Vogue pattern I've owned for ages. This will be my first Vogue pattern, so we'll see how it goes. I also have every intention of starting the next nightgown. A few things have gone out of my closet; next do I put them on Craigslist or save them for my garage sale? Oh, so much to do, and so little time once again. I also bought a new (new to me) Expedite bookcase for my bedroom. I'll take pictures and post before and after photos if it stores things as beautifully as I think it will. Yea! This will be progress. Here goes.....

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