Sunday, August 8, 2010


You really couldn't watch two different movies. Peter saw Hot Tub Time Machine with my brother Steve, and then watched it again the next night with me. We laughed and laughed. I saw The Blind Side a couple of nights ago with Michelle, and then watched it the next night with Peter and Steve. We cried and cried. (figuratively)

Hot Tub Time Machine - The whole thing is a farce and played for laughs. These guys go to the ski resort of their youth, twenty years later, and upon going in the hot tub, get transported back to 1986 as their present selves. Since they're there, they decide that the only way to get back to the future is to re-live everything they went through when they were there in the 80s. I thought it was hilarious, and then the ending is priceless.

The Blind Side - It took us too long to see this wonderful movie. It's a chance to go through all your emotions.....sad, happy, worried, anxious, angry, joyful. Sandra Bullock is fabulous as we knew she would be since she won best actress for the role. This is the true story of a woman who takes a poor teenager into her home and gives him a chance to succeed in life (and football). Tim McGraw plays her perfect husband (I want to know that guys that great are out there, although my friend says that in real life it could be different, that he's a Hollywood written husband). I hope some women are fortunate enough to be married to a personality so easy going, though. Yeah, that woman gets what she wants, she has a guy who never turns her down! But I digress. If you haven't seen this movie, see it, and enjoy watching it with your family, no matter how young.

I figured out how to download Scrabble to my Facebook last night, and am actively playing a game with my sister-in-law, Joan. This is so fun. If anyone else wants to play, I'm there. Joanie has gotten really good at Scrabble, but since my comedown by my second grade niece, Lola, I'm determined to learn how to spell and play words I don't know for high points. Yeah baby.

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