Thursday, August 26, 2010


This is such a loaded topic for me. However, today is the first full day of school, and Steve is also not here, so I have the whole house to myself. This is a luxury for me. And it's already 2:00. I've got most of the ironing done, played a few rounds of Scrabble, talked on the phone to all my regulars and then some, and reposted all the expired Craigslist ads of things that haven't sold. I have a list of photos to take and re-take for more ads, and a dining room table that needs to be cleared off, including a return to Crate and Barrel. And I haven't read the paper yet. I did go through all Peter's 8th grade papers which were still in his binder this morning when he decided to empty it for this year.
I haven't done any of the sewing on my list. It's really beautiful outside, perfect for a beach walk. Maybe I'll call Nancy and see if I can get her over here. Everything else can wait for a gorgeous walk to the beach, right? That's not my picture, btw, but if I go I'll take one and replace it.
Yea! The phone just rang and someone is going to buy the marble raceway toy tomorrow. Maybe I'd better get more stuff on Craigs! Here goes.

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