Tuesday, August 10, 2010


That got your attention, didn't it? I'm happy to say that I've discovered new chocolate. Last week Michelle and I stopped at Trader Joe's on the way home from bead group, and I bought a few of my TJ staples, Whole Wheat Couscous, California Unsulphured Blenheim Apricots, Raw Cashews, Fage Yoghurt, New Zealand Parmesian Cheese, etc. Did you notice there wasn't one bad thing in my basket so far? Until I got to the check out, and decided to check out the chocolate offerings. Although I love Valrhona, the Trader Joe selection only ever includes the really high percentages which make the chocolate pretty bitter. I was prepared to resist Valrhona on this day. Then I spotted a pretty new orange package of chocolate, and there went all the good intentions.
Except a square of chocolate a day keeps the Dr. away. And contributes to a clear brain, longevity, heart health, energy and happiness. We weren't even out the door of the store (they would have given me a sample had I requested it, but we'd already opened the apricots to make sure they were soft and chewy not shoe leather, so I didn't want to press my luck) and I had the package open so that Michelle and I could each have a square (sadly there had been no chocolate at group and we'd both noticed it!) Mmmmm. The chocolate is sweet but not sugary, and the hazelnuts lend the perfect crunch. One square satisfies. Trader Joe's Swiss Dark Chocolate with 30% Whole Hazelnuts is sublime. I'm hooked, and you can thank me later.

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