Wednesday, February 24, 2010


If Women Ran the World Sh*t Would Get Done by Shelly Rachanow - My wonderful friend Linda gave one of these books to each of us in the Posse (group of moms who used to wait outside the elementary school doors for our children, and a dad named us the Posse) at Christmas time, and I just read it in the last couple of days. It's a celebration of women and "all the wonderful, amazing, stupendous, inspiring, butt-kicking things women do". There are examples of asib-k women throughout, and journal pages for you to write about what you'd do if you were in charge. The author loves loves the phrase "butt-kicking" and uses it on every page. It's not one of my favorite phrases, but she's written such a happy, energetic, inspirational book here, that I'm smiling as I'm writing this. I book marked page 145 which has a particularly positive Just Do It Now message. Ok, ok, I type fast, here it is:

"The Butt-Kicking Things I Plan to Do for Myself

What are the things that you most love to do?
What dreams do you want to come true?

What would you include on your light-bulb-dawning, doves-flying-overhead, cue-the-singing angels, I-want-this-more-than-anything list?

If you ran the world, wouldn't every single item you can think of be a regular part of your life right now?
Why not run
your world so these items are a part of your life today?
Stop listening to anyone (including yourself) who says
you are too young, old, smart, stupid, pretty, ugly, or in some way not right or not enough. You know how good you are at getting sh*t done for other people.
Isn't it
time you directed your butt-kicking energy toward your happily ever after dreams come true? Isn't it time you said yes! to all the things you have ever planned to do for yourself?"

See what I mean? This is an entire book of that. Time to get moving.....You Go Girl!

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