Saturday, February 20, 2010


Ayisha by Helen Noga - This was my second reading and visit to a book I'd read years ago, and had decided was one of my very favorite books of all time. I'd been in a frenzied state of reading everything about the Smyrna Catastrophe of 1922 and the Armenian Genocide of 1915. I read the newspaper from cover to cover every day, and one day in 2002, came across the obituary of a woman from San Francisco who had owned jazz clubs with her husband, and had also written a novel called Ayisha, about a woman who survived the Armenian Genocide. With that little reference, I tracked down the book which was sent from a library outside of our area. It was not available anywhere else at the time. Now, thanks to Amazon, and with very little investment, I own an autographed hardcover first edition of Ayisha! I just finished it this morning, and it is still a beautiful and unusual love story. It's a story by an open minded author, who went into difficult territory to dash prejudices and stereotypes.

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