Saturday, January 2, 2010


Happy New Year! Yesterday was New Year's Day, spent as always in a bit of a year, new blank slate and all of that. I wonder what wonders 2010 holds for me? I took down most of the Christmas decorations, but left the tree up, because it's so pretty and cheery on cold winter nights. And I emptied off the dining room table in anticipation of jewelry designing for an upcoming show at the National Hellenic Museum in Greektown on February 5th. And we're off......

Possible Side Effects - Another collection of short stories by Augusten Burroughs. This guy can write and write. These are stories of growing up, stories about people in his life, and stories about working as an advertising copywriter. I loved reading about his grandmothers and great aunt. The sweetest story was the one about his dermatologist. His dad scares me to death, his brother absolutely creeps me out, and his mom is a puzzle I'm afraid to even attempt to solve. I know he's OK now, but sometimes I think about him and worry and hope that he's doing alright. He still seems vulnerable to me.

Speaking of vulnerable characters, last night I watched, or shall we say tried to watch Revolutionary Road with Leonardo Decaprio and Kate Winslet. I'd been avoiding this one for the longest time, refused to rent it just in case, and finally decided to get it over with. It's been sitting on my dvr for weeks. All I've got to say is huh? Who liked this and why? There are three copies of it on the shelf at the library! Revolutionary Road is the street they live on, and all it is is a couple with a mentally unstable wife who doesn't like their life as suburbanites in the 1950s. Well, who does like their life as a suburbanite? I kept fast forwarding to see if it would get better or if there would be a story line. It was like watching a super bad play, or like being on a sled going downhill where you're going to crash into a wall. Oh yeah, they went there, it crashes. I would have known not to see the play, and you can bet all your money that I'm never going to read the book. Of course, this is just my humble opinion. You might like it. Valerie.

I've been blogging for two years now. Who would've thought? It's fridgidly cold outside today, but there are no shortage of indoor things to do. The things I want to successfully do this year are as follows:
1) Substitute teach in our local schools
2) Sell my jewelry on a larger scale
3) Get on Facebook and reconnect with some of my friends from around the world.
I think these might be resolutions, but I'm not sure.
4) Blog more. On some level this is all I want to do. However, life outside beckons.

For today's goal, I want to design and make a gorgeous necklace for the Hellenic Jewelry show. I'll post a photo of it here, and start a new label called Jewelry by Dianne Sophia.

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