Wednesday, January 2, 2008

QUITTING SHOPPING - DAY 2 - Lots To Do and It's Really Cold Outside

So far so good in 2008. I haven't shopped. Unless you count the 1500 flower pins I scrolled through on ebay last night. Does that count? I didn't buy one. Of course, there wasn't one to buy. There is one that's almost what I want, but not quite it. However, since it wouldn't require a cash outlay since I have paypal funds, I'm thinking that I could buy it. And I might not even win it anyway. Why am I looking for flower pins on ebay in the middle of the night when I'm supposed to be not shopping? I have no clue.

In the meantime, I did think of another
Thing I've Been Wanting To Do
: Play Scrabble.
In person. Not online. There is nothing like the clicking of wooden Scrabble tiles on a Scrabble rack. Nothing like putting Z on a Triple Letter Score square. I also keep saying that I am going to memorize the two and three letter words. And the XJQZ lists. And the Q without a U words. And nothing like playing with people well matched to your game. Who wants to play? Last year, I found Scrabble Pants, too: If you've got something better to wear while playing Scrabble, I want to see it.The first time my mom wore her Scrabble Pants, she got a Bingo. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the parlance, a Bingo is when you use all 7 of your letters to form a word, and you get a 50 point bonus in addition to your points for that word.
I sold a number of pairs of these Scrabble Pants on ebay, and one woman gave them to her friend as a gift. She said "if my friend starts bingoing while wearing those pants, I'm taking them away from her".


Anonymous said...

Hi, my name's Rosa and I'm writing from Italy. I saw your pants and I am just mad about them... Where did you get them from? By the way, I am the secretary of the Italian Scrabble Federation... Please, please, please do tell me where you got them from.. They are absolutely fantastic and I would like to have a pair... :) thanks

Dianne said...

Hi Rosa,
Thank you for writing. I found the Scrabble Pants at a local store, and I sold them on ebay before Christmas. You're in luck because I still have a few pairs left. If you look in completed auctions on ebay you can see the sizes and measurements. My seller id is herheartonhersleeve.
If you are interested, email me at and we will figure out the details.
Do you play Scrabble in Italian?