Friday, January 4, 2008


I'm bursting with thoughts and ideas today and don't know where to start.
I think the most important news is that Senator Barack Obama won the Iowa Democratic Caucus last night. His is a campaign about change and hope and his message is inspirational and believable. This ma
n is intelligent, and he will share his intelligence, thoughtfulness and giftedness with our country if we elect him to be our leader. Listening to him speak is magical.

As an aside, I found it really interesting that two men with three syllable last names won the caucus last night. The last president who didn't have a one or two syllable name was John F. Kennedy. These candidates are making the race for President exciting. They respect the importance of the office and they respect us.

On a more frivolous note, I can't believe I missed the new Celebrity Apprentice last night! I still like the Apprentice even though the critics pan it. I think it's a good show and not only because I had a "brush with fame" 10 years ago when our family met Donald Trump at Mar A Lago. It was my a
unt's 70th birthday and her boss was a member of Mar A Lago, so she took the family to dinner there. We were lucky. That night Trump was in the house and came over to greet the large party at our table. He was very gracious and it was a lovely and special evening. We all got photo ops that night, but the photos are in an album around here somewhere rather than digital, so no photo for now.

Today flew by, but shopping temptation is everywhere! The newspaper is a minefield of tempting sales ads, colors, % offs, additional % offs, coupons and huge fonts and exclamations! It's all on sale and all must go! But I will not go! Instead, here's what I accomplished:
Yes, I organized our spice cupboard. It's clean and alphabetical. By the way, that yellow white and red container in the front row is Cavenders Greek Seasoning. It's wonderful in salads, sauces and other cooked dishes. A long long time ago my college room mate Julie brought some home from the market one day as kind of a joke. She had no idea what she started!

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