Tuesday, January 15, 2008


I can't believe that I've made it 15 days! There was almost a relapse. I put myself in the way of temptation on Saturday by walking down the block to a house sale. Thankfully there was nothing to buy. The best thing is not to put myself in the situation. Since I love going to the library, that satisfies my urge to go somewhere and get something!

It seems like some of my blog fans have missed me this last week. Funny, because it's the same fans who would like to see a bit more "edge" to the blog, but must also enjoy reading "sweet, light" postings. Yes, everyone, this is blog light. Or Bloglite if you will. There is a contingent who doesn't like to comment, but emails me at home on my personal email with their comments. You know who you are.

Many of my New Year's Day tasks have been completed, but my list is endless. (Meaning that many are not). I had a note around here somewhere with blog ideas, but now I can't find it.
The notes-to-myself and lists situation is a bit out of hand!

The highlight of last week was going to Jenny's Lake House with the Bead Group for an overnight last Thursday. This is a fairly decadent experience where you get to be like you were in college. Except without the classes. And in a super clean super nice dorm. With great food.
And a constant fire in the fireplace. Oh...so how is it like college? Well, there is nothing you HAVE to do. No one to answer to. Lots of laughs. No rules. Except the new rules referred to below.
Jenny makes an excellent bartender too. Since it is winter, we drank Winter Wonderland Martinis. Something like Cranberry Vodka, White Cranberry Juice and Triple Sec. Yum. Then play this great game called Rumikub. With new rules.

We Are Marshall: Very Sad Football Movie, but worth a watch if you want to see a good story.
Pretty good acting...watchable move.

Lives of Others: OK, people. This movie came highly recommended when it was in the
theatres. I'm so glad that I didn't waste my money or time to go see it.
East Germany 1980s story before the wall came down. I found it to be
slow moving, especially at the beginning. Then I got into it and stayed
awake to see what would happen. I wouldn't watch it again.

I want to play Scrabble. Did anyone see 60 minutes on Sunday? The founder of Facebook was on and Facebook has a way to play Scrabble with your friends that looks very easy. Who wants to figure it out and get a game going?

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