Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Happy New Year 2017! 
Here at Herheartonhersleeve, things are going along as usual. Stuff everywhere, having a difficult time purging my various categories which are almost never mentioned among the lists of most people's categories. Plastic containers? Nope, don't have 'em, don't want 'em. Old appliances that don't work? Nope, I replace and get rid of right away. Old boxes? Weeeeellllll. There are a few, but only Apple boxes, and they're small. Extra mismatched plates and cups? Nope. I like everything to match in the cupboard. Duplicate utensils? Nope, only if they are in different sizes, and only if I use two sets. Linen closet?Nope, it's organized too. Books? Nope, I only have a few shelves of them anymore and they get pared down often.
The categories are fabric, beads, paper, photos, memorabilia and the supplies that go with those things. There is a shifting pile of large plastic bins in the corner of my dining room that has been stressing me out for over a year. Today I'm going to start on it. Other places and spaces will be found or the things have to go. I may even list stuff on Ebay and Etsy, and maybe I'll sell this piece of furniture in the living room and put the garage sale items in that corner. Yup, moving things from one corner to another! One corner shows, though, and the other is out of sight. 

url.jpgThe Outsiders by S. E. Hinton - I subbed 7th grade English last month, and the students were reading this, so I read along. I remembered that there was a character named Pony Boy and that there were greasers and socs. As soon as I started reading, I knew the author was female, and sure enough, although S.E. Hinton sounds like it might be a male, she's a she, writing from the viewpoint of a smart and sensitive 14 year old greaser. The story endures. Pony Boy and Johnny are timeless and memorable characters, partly evidenced by the fact that I remembered them 40 years later.

url.jpgBorn To Run by Bruce Springsteen - Straightforward, honest and heavy on the adjectives, but in a musical way and with rhythm. Bruce's life has embodied the rock 'n roll american dream. My take away quote from the book is "I wanted people around me who would do their best to create the conditions where I could work peacefully and do my best, uninterrupted by countless self-created tempests in a teapot. Meaningless distraction drains you of the energy you should be placing into more serious things or using to simply enjoy the rewards of your labor." 

url.jpgThe Outsiders - What do you get when you put Matt Dillon, C. Thomas Howell, Ralph Macchio, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Tom Cruise, Diane Lane, Leif Garret, Tom Waits and other actors together in a Francis Ford Coppola movie in 1983? The Outsiders, holding true to the book. Even the author, S.E. Hinton had a small role in the movie. Watching the movie is like reading the book, which is probably the best compliment one can pay to a film based on a book. 

I think this is the start of my 10th year blogging. What a long way I've come. I stopped shopping, started up again, and have stopped again, but this time with no fanfare. I got pretty organized, got off track, and stayed off track. My son grew up and went to college across the country. I formulated a goal to follow him there in the next two years. I started two new part time jobs (careers?) and have stuck with them, and I started playing a new video game which gets me out of the house and wastes a ton of time but which gives me extreme happiness. Which may be a trick. That remains to be seen. 

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