Tuesday, January 10, 2017


url.jpgThe Meddler - I watched this on the flight to Myanmar, and then again yesterday while doing my organizing, and it's such a great movie. Susan Sarandon is a mom who lives in L.A. and talks to people. She'll talk to anyone about anything and it leads to all kinds of situations since she often gets really personal really fast. I love this movie!

url.jpgWar Dogs - And then on the other end of the spectrum without going all the way to action movie, we have the true story of a couple of twenty-somethings who become international arms dealers during the Iraq war. Miles Teller and Jonah Hill are fabulous and the story is incredulous. At the beginning of the movie there's a scene where a guy is playing guitar and singing for people in a nursing home. Watch it carefully - he's the real life Dave who is played by Miles Teller. (I had to go back after seeing him in the credits.) (I've forgotten again, does the period go inside or outside the parentheses?) (Something about a complete thought or sentence, but I don't remember the order.)

Again With the Ruminating - One actually sees brown table surface in the dining room now, and I hope by the end of today, the table will be cleared. I emptied one more bin, and have a goal today for one more, but this is difficult going. What does one do with the 10 or 12 brass house and lucite paperweights one won at her old Real Estate Office for most this or that? Actually, maybe one writes it here and then figures out who recycles them. Most were for providing the most outside referrals, wherein friends in other areas were moving, and I referred them to agents in their areas. We had a special referral department for this, and it was easy to do, and people were always moving. I think I won that one for every year that I worked at Kahn. There might also be a couple for most transactions in the office. I don't even know, because at this point they are displacing cubic inches of storage, and I didn't even read them. If I had a new computer I could show you a picture of them, but that will have to wait. I put the brass ones somewhere and don't recall where. The lucite ones are now on the table. I'm just labeling this post, and I've actually written 700+ blog posts and never mentioned that I spent almost 20 years selling houses! I started out with a great company called Kahn Realty, and eventually started my own business, Lifestyle Properties. 
And so it goes.

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