Sunday, January 15, 2017


url.jpgThe House of Silence by Blanca Busquets - At last. Here's one! A new kind of a story about a conductor, a maid and two violinists. They cross paths in their lives, and weaving its way through their stories is a certain violin. It's cleverly written and told in three first persons, and at the beginning I had some trouble keeping them straight. Soon enough, their individual voices, Teresa, Maria, and Anna became clear, and I couldn't put it down. 

P.S. In searching for a picture of the cover, I see that it's not a popular book. Which is either because I'm one of the first readers (it's just been translated into English) or people, and by people I mean paid reviewers, haven't enjoyed it like I did. I hope it makes the splash. It is truly wonderful.

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