Wednesday, January 11, 2017


url.jpgA Man Called Ove - It turns out that Ove was made into a movie! I came across it by accident while browsing the dvd shelves at the library. I knew that Steve would appreciate Ove's single minded appreciation of a Saab, but not whether he would appreciate sub-titles and a sweet story about a sour old man. However, the movie is as wonderful as the book. It turns out that Ove isn't pronounced Ohv, but erve with schwa e's, and Rune isn't ruin, but rune with a little schwa at the end after the ruin. I don't know if I would have enjoyed the movie as much had I not read the book, but Steve did, so there you go. 

url.jpgBad Moms - I do love my low brow humor, especially when it's also sweet and Bad Moms delivers in all areas. Not the best movie I've ever seen but not the worst, and the moms are pretty funny and great, even if they constantly go way past decency. I might have liked it better if it was a movie that middle schoolers could watch. They probably will watch it, but Yuk. 

Ruminating - Not much to ruminate about today. Yesterday was a wash. I did do my desk top, but nothing happened in the dining room. Highlight of the day was watching President Obama's farewell speech. I'm going to miss having him as president. He and Michelle always take the high road, no matter how bad things get. It's a lesson. 
I'm going to get my hair cut today, probably shorter than it's been in years and years. I've blogged four days in a row for the first time in ages, and I've watched more movies this week than in forever, too. So at least something is happening. Today the dining room. I long to report that it's done. Then I can catch up in all the other areas.
And I just accepted an Extra job on Friday. Crossing my fingers that the call time isn't too early. Although it's not new anymore, I love the newness of being an Extra. New places to go, new people to see and meet, and new situations
Then, if you're lucky, you'll be watching a favorite TV show, and something will look familiar, and suddenly there you'll be! On TV! For a second! There I am! Where's the remote! Rewind! Let's see that again!!

Oops, gotta run, my Hamilton Lottery Alarm is sounding.

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