Monday, January 9, 2017


url.jpgA Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman - In the first pages of this story, I wasn't sure I could stick it out. Remembering that my friend Wendy recommended it, though, I decided to press on. And suddenly I had to know what would happen next, and I almost started to care about Ove. I loved this book, so you know the rest. Read it and see if you won't care about Ove, too. 

More Ruminating - Yesterday I got through the Christmas Card box, and condensed to roughly twice as many cards as I'd hoped for. In my defense, I found more cards that I didn't know I had, so at least they are all in one place for future condensability. I was quite hopeless with the other correspondence and birthday cards. They are filling up an entire bin to overflowing. However, they are almost organized by sender for the letters, and decade for the birthday cards. This is so stressful. The Want and Don't Want criteria was quickly forgotten in the throes of everyone's memories. Today my criteria will be what if "something happens" (my family's euphemism for if I die): stay or go? If I die, I want everything totally organized and one master file which tells someone what to do. Currently there is not that. Did not create an empty bin yesterday, but my goal for today is two empty bins. Yes! I will do this!
And to play Pokemon Go, and to get to the library because I finished Ove and have nothing to read. Everywhere there are lists and notes of book recommendations, and by everywhere, I mean in the notes on my phone and in a notebook on my downstairs desk, but who wants to look there when one could just go to the library and see what's up on the shelves? 
And, we might go to a movie this afternoon. Which in light of the above writings is a very very bad idea, so I hope we don't. Except last night was the Golden Globes, and La La Land won big. 
Plus, if it's my last day, do I want to have sorted through bins or have gone to see a great movie? Hmmm, when you put it like that, Dianne...
It's always great to have seen the winner, and as much as I loved it, I just want to vent a little. La La Land was wonderful. HOWEVER, it was not a unique or original story or form. There was something called movie musicals for the entire first half of the 20th century. Some of them were really excellent, and the color and light was beautiful, and the singing and dancing superb, and the story even better. La La Land is a redo in modern times. Not particularly original in story or form when you consider the history of movies. To clarify, it's a unique movie in the context of 2016, but it's not a unique movie.
And I did love it and would watch it again and maybe again after that, but not quite No one puts Baby in a corner which is infinity for rewatching.

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