Thursday, January 2, 2014


We are in day two of a major snow event around here, and although I spent an hour or so outside shoveling yesterday, the rest of the time I've been inside.  Being a major slug.  Getting very little done aside from reading the paper and making a Vasilopita which is the Greek New Years Day cake/bread.  I threw in three coins, two quarters and a half dollar, and Peter's friend got one of them.  Peter was disappointed because he thought it had to be one coin, and that a golden dollar. But when I was little I remember my grandmother who we called Metera (Mother in greek) throwing in a handful of any old coins in the bread, and this bread was a memory of that.  (Besides, I'd forgotten about the Golden Dollar and had I remembered, wouldn't have made the bread because finding a Golden Dollar around here would have been too daunting).  I made the Vefa recipe for Constantinople's Vasilopita Politiki, and will make some notes for improving it if I make it again which I may not, because I prefer our sweet Tsoureki recipe.  ANYWAY.  A slug does very little, accomplishes one easy thing instead of 10 that she could accomplish, doesn't finish what she starts until a day or so later, stays up until 3 or 4 and gets up somewhere between 10 and 12, visits her neighbor and chit chats for hours, and reads a lot in the "morning" and watches a lot of movies at night.........

Admission - This is the Tina Fey movie about a Princeton Admissions officer, and it's better than the reviews said it would be, but maybe only for those who have High School juniors or seniors going through the admissions process.  The process is so much more intense and sophisticated when your kid goes to New Trier than it ever was if you were a kid who went to Fordson.  The difference is unfathomable really, but in today's times, any kid and parents can be sophisticated enough to do this thing if they put their minds to it and read a lot.  I'm lucky to have a sister-in-law who is a private college admissions coach, and she'd been coaching us for years.  She's been an amazing source of information and inspiration, and I'm grateful to her for sharing her passion with us.  Still and all, I believe the entire thing is very random, and the movie proves this out.     

August Osage County - This is the movie based on the Tony Award winning play by Tracy Letts that I never saw although I had ample opportunity when it started out in Chicago.  Until seeing the movie I was always feeling like I'd missed something, but now I'm not so sure.  This version is overly dramatic and Meryl Streeply overwrought.  Disfunctional family on the plains of Oklahoma.  It's a good movie, but eh.

Clear History - Saw it before, probably reviewed it, but Peter came upstairs to watch a movie with us on New Year's Eve if I could find a good one, and this was it. Still loving Larry David and his crazy story about Nathan Flaum/Rollie.  It's really really funny, and Peter commented that it's like an expanded Curb Your Enthusiasm which was good, because he did not enjoy the Woody Allen movie where Larry played the Woody character.

Her - The best parts of this movie are the futuristic parts, and the voice of Samantha who I thought was Rashida Jones during the entire movie, but who I found out was Scarlett Johannson when the credits rolled.  Great premise, good story, moves a bit slowly.  Worth watching if you're awake, but could put you to sleep.

Dallas Buyers' Club - So far my favorite.  This could be the award winner, for either the movie or Matthew McConaughey.  Everything about this was a good movie, and maybe even a great one.  Just see it.   

Lee Daniels' The Butler - Another good one.  This is a must see movie for everyone.  The story is beautiful and Forest Whitaker is amazing as Cecil Gaines.  It's about the story and it's a don't miss.  

Today my work is cut out for me.  In every room of this house is a mess or a place that needs to be cleaned.  Every room.  Don't know where I'll start;  I'll probably just go downstairs and do whatever calls to me.  Which is generally read the paper, eat, be sad that my get up and go got up and went, and maybe do one little thing on my list.  What I wouldn't give to be one of those rise and shine get at the day and get things done people.  Or would I?  

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