Sunday, May 13, 2012


5-13-12 - I just wrote a book here about my yard sale, then deleted every word. Here's all we need to know:
1) It was literally exhausting this year.
2) I sold a ton of stuff on Sunny balmy Friday.
3) Saturday was crazy with people knocking on the door and then buying stuff out of the boxes in the foyer because I didn't want to take too much outside since it was overcast and occasionally drizzling.
4) I still have half again as much stuff to sell.
5) Half of what I have left is good, and half is not so good.
6) It was literally exhausting this year.

So....will someone have a yard or garage sale? Here's what I will do: Run your ad on Craigslist, bring over a few signs, help you price stuff so that it all sells that day, and bring over my stuff which makes your sale look more full no matter what you have.

6-27-12 - After I wrote the above, I spent the next week slowly going through and giving away most of the left-overs. It felt great to unload and as the space was reclaimed around the house, I had less and less desire to have another sale. I put a lot of things on Craigslist and sold a few, and then one Friday, I went to a sale and there was my friend Meg, having HER annual exhausting event. She said I could bring the rest of my stuff to her house the next day to sell at her sale. So instead of going home and getting ready, I spent the rest of the day moseying around town...went to some awful sales, visited Valerie T, went to the antique mall, stumbled upon a vintage jewelry yard sale and bought an art deco pin. I was supposed to go out that night, so pretty much I was guaranteeing that I wouldn't be able to sell the rest of the stuff at Meg's the next day. When I came home, the plans were cancelled at the last minute, so I read the paper, and ate dinner to avoid some more. Then all of a sudden, I was loading up my car. By 8:30 everything was in there for the next morning. Steve and I walked over to Wallace Bowl and saw the Abba tribute group sing a few songs. The next day I got to Megs, set out my wares, and the people came. We had a fun day, got some cash, had some laughs, and at the end it took me about two minutes to pack the few things that remained back into the car.'s finally over. The leftovers are some interesting clothes, my vintage dolls, some vintage linens and an upholstered wrought iron bench. It's all going on Craigslist this week, and at some point it's going out the door regardless. Meg and I swore we would not do this next year. She was as tired as I was. We each retained a small box of things as the starter (kind of like sourdough starter) for next year's possible sale. We know ourselves.

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