Sunday, May 6, 2012


I am going to have a yard sale soon. The massive purge continues. The living room and foyer are so full of stuff that I can't add any more to the piles until they are organized for transport out to the driveway on the morning of the sale. I've started pricing each item (including the price of free on a lot of stuff) and grouping it with like things to make set up as easy as possible. Setting up is a pain. I'm methodical, but at some point the early birds arrive and start going through stuff which messes me up. They always buy, and then generally get the best stuff and pay full price. The thing is, you never quite know what that stuff is going to be. It's nice though, because right away first thing in the morning, I get some money and I know that the day will be a success. Today I am determined to get on with this job so that I can double the amount of stuff I'm selling by next weekend. The sale will be a pop-up, based on good sunny weather and other sales in the area as an additional draw. I hope it will be in May so that I can get this stuff out of here and get on with enjoying the summer.

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