Saturday, July 24, 2010


After daily weather reports of rain for over a week, it finally poured last night and this morning. I've been awaiting that rainy day in order to stay inside and straighten up. Alas, I'm getting a late start, and it's 12:30 and sunny now. However, I'm going to do this, also because there is a sweet breeze coming through the screens. I'll just take some before pictures, and get going. This will include an iTunes purge. I'm going to start listening to the 1147 songs, and permanently delete those that I would never again care to hear.
So. Once again: Here is the sewing room ironing, my desk, the foot of my bed, and finally, once again, the back bedroom. So far, I'm saving all the Air Supply. Steve has come upstairs and tried to close all the windows on me, and I'm hungry for my milk, but I'm stuck, because if I go downstairs, he'll close those windows. Any small thing can derail me these days. But I'll persevere, because when I go to visit my nieces next week, I want to leave everything neat and perfect so that I'll look forward to coming home. There is nothing worse than not looking forward to coming home because your nest is a mess. I might reward myself with a blog about a book and a couple of movies after I've completed two of the tasks. OK. It's 12:54.
2:38: This is painful today. It's gotten beautiful outside, and I've only ironed 10 things, permanently deleted 3 songs, but I did re-up and put some new things on Craigslist, and even got a phone call about the 24" TV. They might come to buy it tonight or tomorrow. OK, back to ironing. I'm not going to do the book and movies post until I at least do the ironing. Oh, what torture this is.
6:10: Yes, you read that right. And I'm only half done with this job and with this day. I promise myself that I will not read the newspaper until I finish with all the tasks I set out to complete. The ironing is finished, but that's not completely truthful, because I'm pretty sure that there is a little more ironing downstairs in the laundry room. My desk is looking good, though. Looking good, not really being good, because that big pile under the monitor is out of hand. There are notes and scraps with all kinds of info that I do refer back to. Here's progress:
6:46: It's getting dusky out, I don't know if I'll actually get to my room and the back bedroom. I WANT to. But I'm really hungry, and I'll read the paper while I eat, and I've got someone coming over to buy the 24" Toshiba TV at 8, and I forgot to mention that I had a call on the Hatboxes before. I'm going to do my best though. How nice it would be to wake up and have the mess at the foot of my bed G-O-N-E. Oh, and I just completed my post about the book and two movies.

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