Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb
This was just what I needed to get me through these past couple of weeks. It's been hot hot hot here, which I love, and there's so much to do that I never know where to start. Knowing that at the end of the day I can climb into someone's derailing life is somehow comforting. Wally Lamb is great at making a story around derailing and derailed lives. This book is about Caelum Quirk of Three Rivers, Connecticut, his wife, Maureen, a troubled girl named Velvet, the Columbine killings, women's correctional institutions, PTSD, and finally, Caelum's history and his evolution. Maybe it's about hope, too. The fact that a derailed life can get back on track. Or find a new track on which to travel. Hope.

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