Sunday, July 4, 2010


We are having ideal 4th of July weather this weekend, and it's been action packed around here. On Friday I had my annual driveway sale, and 5 friends brought stuff over to sell, so it was also like a fun get together. I didn't know if anyone would come, since there were no other sales in the area, but with the exception of that 10:30 lull, the driveway mall was jumping. The night before Debby and Diane drove me around, and we put up 10 signs and I put three ads on Craigslist. If you build it, they will come. And they did. They shopped with Dianne and Diane, Nancy and Nancy, and Debby and Kelly. A driveway sale mall. I'll have to remember that for next year. With so many of us, it looked like there was a lot left over, but I didn't bring very much back into the house, and am really cleared out. There are two bags left for the Purple Heart pick up in a couple of weeks, and pile of stuff to freecycle. If the freecyclers don't come through, then that stuff will go to Purple Heart, too. After the sale, Nancy L. had Ceasar Salad's at Convito (Nancy's with chicken and no dressing and no olive drizzle, so lettuce and chicken for Nancy, Ceasar for me.) Then we went on a beach walk, then I came home and climbed into bed at 8:30, read and caught up on sleep.
Like a maniac, I actually went to garage sales the next day. It was a loser day to go, except for the first sale where I came across New Trier students selling their books in a big sale to raise money for the Science Olympiad. They knew just which books Peter is going to be reading for English the next two years. One of them is even annotated by a student who (they said) is now going to Princeton. There was another book, annotated, that they preferred not to sell to me. (maybe that kid is going to a party school?) A buck a book is way overpriced for a yard sale, but the mom in charge had me pegged, so I paid up. What she didn't know is that I might have found those books at future sales this summer, (for a quarter). The thing is, that those kids were so sweet and full of info about New Trier, that it was worth it just for their take on the school, and to support their cause. They even tried to recruit Peter sight unseen for the Science Olympiad!
Last night there were 18 of us on the boat - I think that's a record crowd - for the Wilmette Fireworks. It will be an all day process to get the photos to load into the computer, but I'm working on it, and I'll add the photos here later today or tomorrow. It was a fun night and a beautiful show. Peter captained the boat so easily, even with the crowd and more night lake traffic than usual. Steve took over once the fireworks started, and by the finale, we were right under them. We are so lucky to live in a place where we get two spectacular fireworks shows every year. On the lake and on the beach! And Rum and Cherry Coke is a great new drink for me. Is there diet Cherry Coke, I wonder?
And I'm reading a great book. Wally Lamb. The Hour I First Believed. If you ever feel like life is giving you lemons, read this. OK, back to the book for an hour before I get up and tackle that annoying Sunday Tribune. Maybe I'll get on a beach walk today.

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