Monday, March 22, 2010


To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee - I just finished rereading one of my all time favorite novels. This wonderful book transcends time, place and age, although it is very specifically about a certain time, place and age. It takes place in the early 1930s in Maycomb County, Alabama, and is narrated by Jean Louise (Scout) Finch, daughter of the town's lawyer. She tells about events that took place on her street and in her town during a three year period when she was 6-9 years old. The story and characters are so real, and the book is so beautifully written, that it's unforgettable. Remember when our children used to watch the same video over and over when they were little? That's how I am with books. I've been reading this one since I was 10 years old. I hope I'll read it another few times before all is said and done.

I wasn't called in to sub today, and I somehow managed to do a whole lot of nothing. I mean I finished the ironing, and submitted application materials in person to another school district, read the paper (which isn't saying much anymore - Monday and Tuesdays the Trib is featherweight) and now I'm writing this. I'm also working on a big clear-off of my kitchen desk. Still, it feels like nothing in the scheme of what looks undone around here. Back to my endless list.....

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