Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Movies, Movies, Movies. 'Tis the season to escape. I am happy to report that I sent out one Christmas card today. Watched a movie the night before last, went to the movies yesterday, and watched another one last night.

The Wrestler - Why didn't anyone tell me how wonderful this movie was? Click on this link to listen to Bruce Springsteen's The Wrestler while reading this. The Wrestler is about a famous 1980's Big Time wrestler 20 years later. Mickey Rourke is amazing in this role. It's a signature role in a singular film. I'm not sure that everyone will want to go to the places that this movie will take you. It can be raw, and in that, it's very honest. It touched my heart.

Up In The Air - Is probably the best movie at the theaters right now. George Clooney is so easy to watch. He actually sent an e-Christmas card to me and all my friends yesterday. It's this one:He looks like one fun guy. In Up In The Air, he plays a man whose career involves traveling most of the year. His home is up there, in the air, and in airports and hotels, and he is perfectly happy with his life choices. It's an easy, funny, and sometimes poignant movie.
Taking Woodstock - I'd seen the previews for this at some point, it came out for a minute and was gone. Dimitri Martin stars as Eliot Tiber, who, according to the movie, was instrumental in putting together the owner of the farm and the promoters of Woodstock. It's a sweet movie about a more innocent time. Maybe innocent isn't the word to use, but if you watch it, you'll see what I mean. Maybe a more simple time.

I can't officially review Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, because after struggling through the first 100 of 500 pages and just getting to the point or question of the story, I decided to skip to the end to get it over with. I could scream at the time wasted on this one. It's a long boring read with way too many details and not enough editing. Sorry you lovers of this book. I wonder why you liked it? The title is all it's got going. Read it if you've got a couple of years to put into a drag of a story.

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