Thursday, December 3, 2009


Why My Third Husband Will Be A Dog - The Amazing Adventures of an Ordinary Woman by Lisa Scottoline - The whole time I've been reading this book, I've been obsessed by the author's last name. Scotto-line. It turns out that she is of Italian descent, so maybe it's pronounced Scottolini. I hope I can stop thinking about it now that I'll be returning it to Susan. I can hardly tell you about the content because of this name, Scottoline. I kept waiting for an explanation or pronunciation, but it wasn't in the book, and I don't have time to google right now. The book is a compilation of the author's columns from the Philadelphia Inquirer. She writes a sweet readable column about her life and her family. She loves animals, and she's really fun. Her adventures aren't so much amazing as they are little aha life moments made more colorful by her writing. It's a good connector book to read between heavy hitters. My neighbor is supposed to drop off a heavy hitter to me in the next day or so. I can't wait.

OK, so the Artisan Fair is finally this Saturday. I've been beading and sewing and planning and stressing and avoiding all week, and I'm almost ready. All I have to do now is to really plan my time carefully, not drink anymore (three white russians at Linda's last night ouch) and get to bed early, and it will all be fine. As soon as I have my final table set up, I'll post a photo.
Of course when it rains it pours, and the yearbook checks are all due this week, too. (have I mentioned that I'm the mom who is collecting and counting yearbook orders for the students and staff of the Junior High School?) We're talking some 900 orders.
And last night in the fun spirit of my three white russians I told Steve that I'd go to a holiday party downtown tonight! And today is Bead Group day, and Sue's birthday so I can't possibly miss that. And there are a couple of house sales to hit tomorrow. Can't miss those, because you never know......
I think I'd better get moving.
I didn't move very far. You've gotta LOVE google. I googled "how to pronounce Scottoline" and here's what I got:
too funny. I hope I can now stop obsessing.

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