Thursday, March 26, 2009


Yesterday, while perusing the cookie aisle at Walmart in Puerto Vallarta, I happened upon Triple Chocolate Oreos. Too bad I'm not eating sugar on this trip. Just as I was pulling myself away from the aisle, (So many tempting packages!) I spotted small candy bar sized packages of the Triple Chocolate Oreos for 3 Pesos each. How could I resist?
I also threw a little package of the Nuevo Combinado Oreos
into our basket. New product, price, and not heavy to carry back to the condo on our walk. Right away out of the store, I tried the Combinados and they were lovely. I resisted on the Triple Chocolate thinking they'd be a great little treat after water aerobics the next day. And so they were.....So much so, that tomorrow I'm going to go for another little walk, probably without company, to buy up many many packages of Triple Chocolate and Combinado Oreos to bring home as little gifties for any of my sweet loving friends. I can only describe the Triple Chocolates as the best thing to come down the pike since those Very Cherry M&Ms last year. They seem to be a Dark Chocolate and Light Chocolate wafer sandwiching a chocolate creme filling. Mysteriously, there is a cherry like flavor in there too. These are so nuevo that I cannot find a web presence for them. Am I the first to report on these? I can't wait for tomorrow. MMMmmm! I can't wait to enoy more of these and to take many pictures of them. If they had these at home I'd be a goner.

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