Tuesday, March 10, 2009


We are loving juvenile humor comedy movies here lately. Last night we saw Balls of Fury, a satire about championship Ping Pong players. It was very goofy and funny in a sweet way. This morning I finished

Miles From Nowhere by Nami Mun, about a runaway girl. If you're not into first person fiction about life on the streets, this wouldn't be the book for you. Each chapter is a self contained short story. Fit them together and they become a remarkably readable novel. Joon is a tragic character if you think about her rationally, intellectually, but emotionally you wish that you knew her so that you could protect her from herself and her choices.

My plan to accomplish a little bit each day has been working out. As long as I stay home and don't venture out to stores. A short walk to town or the library seems to not derail me, even inspires, but getting in the car to go anywhere dooms me to failure!
So here's another day. I think I'll tackle the dining room table and that valance. (Right, I haven't touched the valance since I measured and sewed lining to fabric. What has to be done next is to decide the style of the valance, and mount the curtain rod hardware; if I can do those two things, then the project will complete itself. So the roadblocks are decision making and Steve help - maybe I'll put up that curtain rod myself).

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