Sunday, March 8, 2009


It's another gray rainy day. The perfect first day of Daylight Savings Time, and a good day to accomplish little projects here and there that will add up to some good feelings around here. I finally finished (in a feverish burst of reading hundreds of pages yesterday morning)
Sing Th
em Home by Stephanie Kallos. It's the story of a family from a small Nebraska town with Welsh roots and unusual ways. I liked it, but didn't love it as much as the author's first book, Broken For You. The author weaves a story with lovely language and she's effortless at weaving decades together.
Yesterday Valerie and Diana treated me to a play at the Drury Lane Theatre in Water Tower Place, and then I introduced them to Forever XXI which is always a fun thing. I'd never seen
Xanadu and didn't know the story. It's a sweet musical that takes place in LA in 1980. It's about muses and mortals and there are sure moments of comedy, and the music is energetic and recognizable. Somehow, on that small stage, it didn't click in the slick manner that one might expect from a disco age 1980's LA story. Google Xanadu and watch musical stage clips of Olivia Newton John starring in Xanadu on Broadway.

Today I'm going to strip some more paint off door hinges in the back hallway, read some library books, catch up on DVR shows, and try to complete that long awaited master bath valance. Already it sounds like I'm not going to get all this done. I also have to read the Sunday Tribune which can be a real chore, but which I cannot not do.

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