Monday, February 2, 2009


I haven't been writing for a week because I've been out of town. To Berlin, then on a little cross USA trip to Santa Fe, then on toward San Francisco, then an interrupted trip, and I'm home again. Huh? Actually I've been living life alongside

The German Bride, a novel by Joanna Hershon. I was absolutely lost in this story, living life right beside Eva Frank Schein, and unable to put the book down without reading one more chapter. Did I mention that I was time traveling too? Eva was a young woman in the late 1860s after the Civil War. This was a new time in America, and new experiences were still happening to Eva up until the very end of this excellent tale.

Slumdog Millionaire - I finally saw it! The best movie of the year. I don't have to see any of the others, because this was that good. The story of Jamal Malik, and how his crazy life led him to know the correct answer choices on the Indian version of
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? And why can't children watch it?

In the Land of Women - A sweet movie about a young presumably successful soft core porn writer who goes to stay with his eccentric grandmother in Michigan and befriends the mother and daughter who live across the street from grandma. It's on On Demand and I recommend it if you want to get lost in a little story.

Superbad - This is really really funny. And really really really
inappropriate on every conceivable level that you can't even imagine. But it's really really funny. I laughed through the whole thing, and am a bit embarassed to admit I wanted more where that came from.

So I've sewn this:
And I'm wearing it right now. The most comfy little brown embellished fleece jacket you can imagine. I put scallops on all the edges and I love it. I'll try to get a photo of the finished garment. Also finished a new fitted table covering for the piece of furniture that is under Pretty Bird's cage. It matches the dining room chairs and looks much improved. The basement clean out has begun. Freecycling and Craigslisting are underway. Yea!

Next up is (imagine a soundtrack of scream music here) this project:
the back bedroom. How does this happen you ask. Well, this is what happens when you get great fabric from Freecycle, when you chase off to Hancock Fabrics whenever there is a major holiday weekend sale, when you go to Vogue Fabrics and find fab finds in the Remnant Room, and also decide that you are going to sew with better fabric from now on, and so you also buy in the Silk Room, when you save your scraps from upholstery projects because you love the fabric and it was sort of costly, when you think you have to have the fleece so that you can go into business making and selling the fleece bed jackets that you wear as day around the house jackets over sweats in the winter time because sweats aren't warm enough, when Hancocks sells Butterick patterns for 99 cents on those holiday sales, when you've bought new feather pillows, but the old ones are still practically new and fresh and perfectly good to cut up and sew and use as throw pillows, when you have clothes that absolutely must be given away, but you really loved them when you wore them and you didn't wear them enough, and no one will appreciate them the way you did and the way you still misguidedly do, and you have to let them go but over and over again you won't, but now this time they are going OUT THAT DOOR. This is my second favorite room in our house after my office sewing room which has stayed blissfully neat. I will feel so relieved to post an After picture of the back bedroom. Stay tuned!

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