Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It's 7 degrees out today. I'm staying in! I've just emptied out the back bedroom into my beautifully neat office/sewing room. So now all the things that were out of place in the back room are on all the surfaces and the floor of the office. I'm watching/listening to you tube videos about sewing room organizing as inspiration, and it's time for the difficult decisions and list making that go with the burden I created by acquiring all this fabric. Now we can turn off the scream music soundtrack for this room. Here's the room neat, (I even covered the bed with the lovely light-weight lace trimmed dust cover I found at a house sale) and ready for a guest:
Oh, Question: Look at the top of the curtains above the bed. Do I leave them plain or do I use the curtain rod that you can see on the left side? I thought I wanted plain, but the dark brown rod sort of pulls it together. Hmmm.

And here is the new project I just created for myself. The intent is to seriously freecycle a lot of this so that new and better things, including new time and new ideas will come into my life.
I love to sort and put things in like piles and put things away. Unfortunately there is not enough space to put away all this stuff. My ideal would be a walk in pantry type closet with floor to ceiling shelves where all the fabric could be sorted and displayed. It would be a magic closet that would never run out of room or shelf space. New space would constantly regenerate and be there. Alright, enough procrastination. Here I go...

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