Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today is a historic day. President Barack Obama is now in charge! I've been watching the inauguration all day, and it's been quite awesome. However, life around here does go on, and I cannot live one more day with a messy desk. Anyone who knows me knows that I abhor disorder. It is with embarrassment and trepidation that I show the following picture, taken a minute ago:
At this point, if you just want to skip the day from now, about 12:30 PM straight to 11:30 PM, you can go to the end of this post and see the After picture of my desk. Let me say that each of those pieces of paper has something VERY IMPORTANT (suuurrre) on it. The cords are looking bad. That red checked fabric sample cutting is wonderful, but the only thing I'd make with it might be a skirt. The books are from the library, but how can I ever use them to learn about Photoshop when you can see that my Christmas present, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6 for the Mac is still wrapped in shrinkwrap sitting on top of my printer? The keyboard is off center from the monitor. Pens are everywhere. My glasses are not folded neatly where I can get to them. The year at a date calendar is still 2008. The seam-binding/braided rug makers have been there for a week. (Those are going straight to Freecycle). You can't see the dowel rods, bookmark, or my Mom's iPod that I'm supposed to fill with her music. I spy curtain tension rods on this desk too. THAT'S IT. It is 2:15 PM, and I will not write here again until I can show an After picture to eclipse this awful Before picture.

OK, it's 2:30, and I have to go do the school pick up. So I'm signing out on the desk. I have done nothing but list the bias tape makers on Freecycle, otherwise, it's still as you saw.
I don't even believe myself sometimes....I am just now signing back in (5:30) for this job of clearing off my desk in order to make it a space where someone can think and work. What have I been doing? Picked up son from school, made Risotto because I was starving, made Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for son, read Tribune, ate, cleaned up after making the two food items, got the mail and read
the mail, changed the plastic on the bird cage and gave Pretty Bird fresh food, gave Car Bunny new ribbons in anticipation of Valentine's Day, started a load of laundry, got the clean laundry off the line and brought it upstairs. And more. It's called multi-tasking. Someone has already claimed one of the bias tape makers. Yea!
Here's Car Bunny before the ribbon:

It's now 6:30 and I have to sign out again to carpool some kids back to school for Social Dance. I'll be back, though. In the meantime, I've eliminated a lot of those paper scraps. Yea!
I'm back now, 7:15. I've got an hour to complete this desktop. I've got pretty pink file folders and I'm furiously labeling and filing and tossing. There's a great new song by Ray Lamontagne called You Are The Best Thing. I'm going to try to find that and listen to it while I work. Then I've got to go and pick up the boys, then I'm done for the night. I have no idea why the above sentences are underlined. OK, back to work....but first, here's Car Bunny all spiffed up for Valentine's Day, posing on the unfinished map of the USA quilt:

I picked up and dropped off the boys. A headache inducing trip, but no headache. It's funny, they were so loud and quite obnoxious and immature (I know...what did I expect) but there at that age where the best thing the adult can do is be quiet and keep her ears open. I was just wanting them to quiet down a bit though. All of a sudden an AC/DC loud song comes on the radio.
What's that song? Who's that? And they all quieted down a little. So thanks to AC/DC. Who knew? I'm signing in back to the desk at 9:00. It's 11:20 and I've finished my project!!! I will admit that there is a small little group of papers that I will try to deal with tomorrow. A Freecycler is going to pick up all the bias tape makers tomorrow along with two big pieces of fabric. Otherwise everything has been recycled, spoken for and filed. If I had my druthers, the mac mini would be under my desk but not on the floor. The little yellow box and small scratch
paper pile and address book would be filed away. And you know what...I just made a file with a year at a glance calendar and the little address book. So those are now off the desk. The yellow box carries pens, scissors and the remote control because this monitor is also a TV. I'm going to think about this. If I could really clean out the file drawers, there would be room for the yellow box and contents. So the desk would have only keyboard, phone, camera charger, mac mini and printer. THIS FEELS GREAT!!! I feel like there are possibilities. Like I might get my imagination and creativity back. So, with no further ado, on this historic inauguration day, may I present my new desk. Maybe I could make a pretty cover for it....(Just imagine it without the calendar which is under the right corner of the computer next to the yellow box):

It's 11:30. Good Night!

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