Sunday, July 8, 2012


So Long, See You Tomorrow by William Maxwell - I get my book recommendations from the strangest places. This one came from a guy that my friend Michelle found on a dating website. They were on their first getting to know you emails, and he mentioned that he liked to read, and had recently read and enjoyed some book that I'd loved, and this one. So Long, See You Tomorrow is written in the first person by a man looking back to specific events that happened in his childhood and that throughout his life formed his memories of home and growing up. It's thoughtful and analytical and I'm not sure why I liked it. Maybe because we've all had experiences similar to those he describes, and we've also wondered whether the course of our lives would have been different had we acted another way at pivotal moments. It can be read as a simple story, or with a great deal of depth, and perhaps it was written that way. It was good, and I'm going to check in with Michelle to see if she went out with that guy, and if so, to find out what else he's been reading.

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