Monday, July 2, 2012


American Sniper The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S Military History by Chris Kyle - Here's a first hand story about the war in Iraq, told by the Navy SEAL who has killed the most enemies. It's a straightforward, well written and detailed account of his life and the impact of war on he and his family. He writes about his training to be a Navy SEAL, the cooperation between the different armed forces, and how various missions were carried out during his four deployments. It's easy to put off reading because it's not a wonderful fictional story about a magical time and place. Instead it's real life and the title is off-putting for many readers. However, you will not be sorry you read this. Right now, in this world, Americans are losing their lives for our country. Chris isn't a reporter looking for an angle. He was one of the highest elite military men, telling the truth from the inside.

Skippy Dies and Super Sad True Love Story - I got into a book discussion with someone, and they said I had to read Skippy Dies. I tried, I really did. It's about a boarding school in Ireland, and Skippy dies right away in the first page or so. Then it goes on to other boys and the instructors, and it goes on and on and on. It went on so much that I decided to bag it. Went to the end, read that, confirmed that I was happy not to have put any more time into it, and picked up Super Sad True Love Story, which I couldn't remember reading or not. Like Skippy, I brought this one home, gave it a go, and said no. This time I read the last chapters, and once again confirmed that it was not for me. Here's hoping the next book on my nightstand is readable.

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