Thursday, October 14, 2010


The Social Network - It's been ages since I've been to a movie at the theater. And then even more ages since I went to a movie as an escape. Or maybe not. Since group didn't meet today, and I had a million other things to accomplish, and I had absolutely no motivation to accomplish anything more than read the newspaper, it seemed like a good idea to see The Social Network. What a great movie. It's about how Facebook began and the toes that were stepped on in making it happen. Even though it's free, if Facebook didn't have Scrabble, I might quit it on principle. But it has Scrabble, so I'm stuck. Anything else I say will sound negative, except this: It's an entertaining movie.

Oh, and I saw Modern Family last night for the first time. It was so much fun, and just what I need: another can't miss TV show. Oh well. TV is the best escape of all, and you don't have to go anywhere but to your recliner to enjoy it.

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