Saturday, October 23, 2010


Greek Sapouni by Maro Kentros - Do you like my font color in the color of the Greek flag on this one? I read a review about this in my University of Michigan Alumni magazine years ago, but could never track down a copy to read. Then one day, there it was on Amazon. It's the story about 3 generations of a Greek family. Sapouni means soap, so Greek Sapouni is grenglish for a Greek American soap opera. I don't want to give too much of the story away, because some of the characters last through the whole book, and others die young. Maro Kentros incorporates elements of Greek tragedy, philosophy, poetry and conversation into her story, making it very informative about Greeks, Greek Americans and American Greeks. It would be fun to know her. My suggestion is to read the commentary about the history of Greece as well as the Greek word translations and author note before you read the book, or at some point during your reading. It will give you a deeper perspective for the story. And I love the cover art of the YiaYia crocheting a blanket between two columns and on a tile floor. So greek.

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