Monday, July 28, 2008

The Garden of Last Days: by Andre Dubus III - Different people from diverse cultures and usual and unusual walks of life come into contact with each other throughout this book by Andre Dubus III. He puts the reader in these peoples' thoughts, and we become sympathetic to their concerns and problems. I think that some readers could be very angry while reading this story, but it truly is a tale of life in America. Dubus gets into the heads of his male characters in a way that sometimes bogs me down. I'm not as bogged down by the females, probably because he is a man, and can't go all the way there into the thoughts of a woman the same as he does with men. Hmmm. I recommend this novel to the open minded reader. Are you ready for the thoughts and actions of a muslim hijacker, a woman who dances at a men's club, an angry young father and more? Here you are.

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