Thursday, December 29, 2011


I have a day, here, during which I can potentially make a lot of progress on my stuff. I'm in my office again, looking at that same pile of Christmas linens on the printer, thinking that the green and gold doilies are really going to go. And with that, I just pulled them out from the bottom of the pile and am putting them near the stairs to go down to the sale pile. Complete with my mom's scribbled note on the back that says "from Toula + Spiro". I don't think I can cull anything else from this pile right now, so I'll make a point to put it back to the top of the closet.... today. I'm sitting here still in my nightgown, making typing mistakes constantly because my hands are freezing.

I've just spent the past 90 minutes seeing if I could update to Lion (I think I can although the guy at the Apple store said I need 2 gigabytes of RAM, but online it indicates it's more of an either/or situation, and I have the either/or, but not the AND of it. Then I tried to create the multiple desktops, which I think I did, but if you're on one of the other desktops, you can't get to your original desktop easily. I may actually have alternate desktops going now, though.

Then I decided I had to pass along a beautiful vintage Dutch Doll with Wooden Shoes that has been in my sewing room for over a year. She was given to me by a lovely and kind man, Xavier, to whom I sold some Hat Boxes last year. After weeks of phone calls, he wasn't able to come to get them, so one day when I was on the south side, I delivered the boxes to him. I was a bit apprehensive about delivering to a complete stranger, but didn't have a bad feeling, really, so agreed to meet him in the lobby of his building. It was a beautiful turn of the century building with an even more beautiful large lobby, where huge parties could be thrown and I could imagine people from an earlier time arriving in their carriages and finery to rendezvous in that lobby. ANYWAY, when Xavier came down to meet me, along with an envelope of money, he gave me a box. A gift, he said. To be opened when I got home. Something that had been in his family for years, and that he wanted me to have. Upon arriving home, I opened my present, and it was this lovely vintage Dutch Doll and there was a note from Xavier wanting me to have the doll. My apprehension about meeting a stranger from Craigslist once again not only unnecessary, but rewarded with the chance meeting of a kind human being.

There I was again....making progress in dispersing the extra things (hat boxes) and then through only kindness, receiving something new to take care of. It's finally time, though, and with this blog post, I am going to let the Dutch Doll go. I've looked her over carefully and done some research, and she is valued at $45.00 if she is Celluloid, and maybe $65+ if she is Bisque. All I know for sure is that she originally sold for fl 7.50 which is what is marked in pencil on the bottom of one of her shoes. I knew that Holland's currency used to be the florin, so I researched that but cannot come up with any kind of original price in a current market since Holland now uses the Euro. I am going to be a brave soul, and take a picture of her with my iPad since my camera is broken, and then I am going to connect my iPad to my computer and hope that just the pictures transfer and that the computer doesn't automatically do a complete sync. Which messes up the desktop on the iPad and seems to play havoc with iPhoto, not to mention duplicate photos in both places. Who knows what will happen with all these new desktops, too.

If you're still reading this, I applaud your patience with me. I've just spent 20 minutes writing this post, and Peter just came home and is taking his shower, so now I might not get the hot water in my shower that I so desperately need in order to warm my hands so that I can do something besides sit at the kitchen counter reading the paper with the space heater warming me up. Pictures to come. Oh, and I didn't even mention that the reason for all the fuss and bother (but I know that you knew this) about the doll is so that I can put her for sale on Craigslist for $40.00, and then give the money to Xavier.

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