Saturday, December 17, 2011


It's the first Saturday of Winter Break which is what they call Christmas Vacation nowadays. My list is extremely daunting, and yet doable if I just get to it and don't look at the clock and see that it's already past 1:30, and that it's going to be dark in 2 hours. I'm loving movies, though. Last night I took Peter and a couple of his friends to see the latest R-rated inappropriate offering for teenagers younger than the R rating.

The Sitter - Jonah Hill stars as a college graduate with no job or prospects, who agrees to babysit for three kids so that his single mom can be fixed up with a guy. I want to see clever and funny and not too raunchy, and I thought this was a funny movie with a sweet component, not quite deserving of its R rating. I didn't get bored or fall asleep, and I laughed a lot, so yeah, take the teens and go see The Sitter during break. By the way, the boys didn't mind it, but they didn't rave about it. They don't need it to be sweet. They want to see and hear more gratuitous this and that, more violence, and more pushing of the envelope. I'll quote Cat Stevens on that..."They're still young, that's their fault, there's so much they have to go through".

Everything Must Go - Will Farrell. This is an interesting little study about a guy who has a really bad day, and then comes home to find all his stuff on the front lawn of his house and the locks changed. All of the performances are stellar, and the story is tight, and gives you just what you need to know when you need to know it. It doesn't move fast, and I fell asleep a couple of times, but then woke up and finished it out. It's for those nights when you just want to watch a good movie and not have to work too hard at it. I like how Will Farrell can be the nutty over the top guy in his comedies, and then show heart and restraint in a movie like Everything Must Go. There is probably a lot of meat here for a movie club or analysis, but I'll leave that to the clubs and analyzers. I liked it.

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