Monday, November 22, 2010


A Separate Peace - I read the book a couple of weeks ago so that I could discuss it with Peter who is reading it for freshman English. Last night I watched the movie and liked it almost as well. The beginning of the movie takes some licenses with the actual story, but once the story was rolling, it was pretty true to the book. I cannot stand when screenwriters change essentials, though. Here you've read a book, and when watching the movie want the events to unfold as you read them. Except not only are they not unfolding, but new and strange events never written by the author are happening. For years, I wouldn't watch a movie that had been made from a book that I'd enjoyed. I'm glad I saw this, though, because the characters were rightly played by some fine young actors.

OK, so it's Thanksgiving weekend, and ostensibly I have 6 days to myself to stay home and get things done. If I go out, let's say it will be in the morning on Friday IF there is some deal that I can't resist in the Thanksgiving fliers. It'll hardly be worth it though. Traffic, cold, crowds. Who needs that? A couple of years ago I went out on Friday in Naples, and it was fine. Warm, not much traffic, not many crowds, and deals on presents that I was planning to buy anyway. If I can get this place shaped up at all, I'll be so happy!

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