Friday, November 26, 2010


The Aviary Gate by Katie Hickman - This is the story of Celia Lamprey, daughter of a merchant ship sea captain in the 16th century. At the same time, it's the story of Elizabeth, a PhD scholar at Oxford who is doing research and stumbles across some old writings about an English girl who may have been lost at sea. Celia's story is really interesting since she ends up as a "slave" in a Turkish harem. It's so interesting to learn how the inner workings of a harem and it's hierarchy. A little guide to the characters and map of the harem rooms at the beginning of the book is really helpful to keep track of what's going on. Throughout the book, I didn't need to be reading the modern day story, but at the very end, it comes together nicely. I liked it, although the book that took place in Venice was better. I reviewed it a few posts ago...

Today I somehow got real busy in my sewing room, and am so happy to be doing so! I also started to seriously get rid of stuff that I'd collected in the large dresser I recently sold, so condensing my things and deciding what to keep and what to get rid of went well. Tomorrow I'll put a few things for sale.

My Christmas decorating theme is going to be silver and white this year. I'm just finishing up a white satin table cloth that will go on the round table in the dining room with a sheer silvery snowflake fabric overlay. On that will either be a white tree or silver tree. Both fabrics are from my voluminous stash, and I even used up two spools of silver metallic thread. That I have to replace, but I'm super psyched about using the satin and the snowflake fabric. Once the little vignette is finished I'll put a picture up.

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