Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Made - Is one of the best Dream Come True TV shows ever. It's been on MTV for years, and this morning I just watched a particularly sweet show. A self-proclaimed nerdy high school freshman wanted to be seen and noticed at school, and decided that hip-hop dancing at a fall pep-rally would be the way to do so. MTV went for it, and sent him a Made coach for hip hop. He is the only son of an older single mom, and felt like a mama's boy to top it all off, skinny, glasses wearing, a bit of a lisp and a beautiful smile...you just love this kid. The coach had pushed him hard, which they always do on Made. Finally, the day of the pep rally was here, and he and his freshman team got out to dance in front of the whole school. Alas, the sophomores won the competition, but the freshmen came in second! He was cool with that because he finally felt like people saw him and knew who he was. His second goal was to ask the girl he had a crush on to that night's dance. Although she said she'd go, she ditched him the moment they walked into the dance. He took her outside and she told him that although he took it as a date, she didn't take it that way. He's such a nice boy....he was OK with that as long as they were still friends. Soon he was on the dance floor, though, and lo and be, he was surrounded by cute girls! They all danced with him (he was now a great dancer from the coaching) and one even followed him outside and asked if he would kiss her. I LOVE THIS SHOW! His mom and coaches said that he was a different person than the boy they knew just five weeks ago. Made is formulaic.....on each show, the Made team surprises the Made kid at school, usually in the cafeteria, but sometimes in an assembly or class. Then the kid starts working out, but gets really tired and burned out fast. So the Made coach has a heart to heart talk with the kid about dedication and hard work leading to success. The kid gets re-inspired, and the coach becomes friendlier. Then comes the big day of the competition or show, and then the social situation with the special someone. Watching Made is about learning a new skill, each different kid, and that we are all the same...everyone just wants to be seen.

Family Jewels - This is an A&E show that I watch many mornings at 7 - 8 a.m. It's a reality show about Gene Simmons and his family. For those few clueless who read this, Gene Simmons was (is) the lead singer of KISS. Now he manages his business empire, makes appearances around the world, and spends time with his amazingly grounded family. Shannon is his girlfriend; he does not want to get married-it would go against everything he's always stood for. They have two almost grown kids, 21 and 16 who love to tease him. It's pretty sweet and Gene is a character.

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