Sunday, November 7, 2010


A Separate Peace by John Knowles- I'd always meant to read this book, but didn't get to it until now because Peter is reading it for Freshman English. Of course Peter will read it on schedule not a page more than the teacher assigns at a time, and I will read it fast. Oh...I already did! Read it in a couple of days because I couldn't put it down. This story is set at a boys' prep school in New Hampshire during World War II. It's a true coming of age story....about competition, life, psychology, war, people. Although it's told by Gene the adult, he tells it from his teen-aged perspective. In so many ways, people are different nowadays, but again in so many ways, they are the same. Last night Peter read the chapter containing one of the pivotal moments in the story and he came upstairs to talk about it with me because he was so affected by it. I think he was kind of blown away, but would be upset with me for saying so. Good thing my blog isn't cool! Put this one on your reading list for so many reasons. It's tough but good.

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