Monday, June 29, 2009


Farrah's Story - Farrah Fawcett just died a few days ago after living with cancer for 3 or 4 years, and I had taped this documentary made by her friends and aired about a month ago. I had never gotten around to watching it...too sad, but wanted to see it eventually. Last night seemed like the right time, and it was very sad and very real and she was incredibly honest to share the private and intimate details of her life and medical decisions and treatments. By going to Germany for experimental treatments, she lived almost a year and a half longer than her original prognosis from Drs in LA. This was filmed and produced with amazing love by Farrah's friend Alana Stewart. None of us really knows what we'd do if faced with Farrah's challenges, but here's one way. At the end she asks some important questions which form a commentary for our times and our way of dispensing medicine in America. Rest In Peace Farrah.

Delusions of Grandma - by Carrie Fisher - After reading that last non-fiction book by Carrie, I wanted to read the rest of her work. This is about Cora, daughter of an Academy Award winning costume designer. It's cleverly written with lots of fun twisty words and phrases. Very witty and very quick. Quick wit, not necessarily quick to read. I've got two more of Carrie's books to go, but first will probably read something else.

The Christmas Box - This is one of those small hardcover gifty books that is really a short story. It's sweet, and the moral is to pay attention to your children while they are with you, because it goes by fast and then they'll be gone. This is no problem for me. Being a mom is the best thing ever.

It's a perfect sunny and 75 degree Monday morning. I had this idea that I'd spend two days being only creative, and in fact, I'm going to really really try. However, here's my list of things to do today. Write on my blog. Get a cashier's check from the bank and send it to someone from Craigslist in CA for two well-priced extra placesettings of my china. Iron.(The ironing pile is quite big) Find and put art supplies on porch for a Freecycler. Go to Dave's Rock Shop in Evanston and buy a round not-too-soft cabachon that I will learn to set in Wednesday's class. Read the paper. Go for a beach walk. Make sure there isn't anything on my kitchen desk that needs to be addressed. Bead. Sew. Put a few things on Craigslist. This is the short list. If we went to the long list, it's unbelievable. Some people would be able to complete these tasks with dispassion and speed. Not me. I've got to think about everything. Distract myself with calls, straighten and organize as I go along. And I forgot to mention how I still have to go through our bill files for 2008 and update them for 2009. Hmmm. OK, call Susan about the beach walk first. Get that on the schedule. Call the person in California to find out where to send the check. Shower and dress. Go to the bank for the check. Go to Dave's Rock Shop. Come home and bead. Bead first and save those other things for in between jobs on another day. Or a rainy day. And check off the first thing on the list. Yea!

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