Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Apples and Oranges by Marie Brenner - This non-fiction memior details the relationship between a sister and her distant 3-year-older brother. The author is a journalist and decided to use her skills as a researcher and reporter to explore and improve their relationship. This was easier said than done: if I'm reading her quotes correctly, big brother was obsessive compulsive, condescending, rude and slightly overbearing. They never specifically fought; she was often quiet in response to his rudeness, sometimes defending herself although mostly to no avail. They are in their early 50s now and the author researches past generations in the family to try to explain the relationship in the current generation. The story takes place in Texas, Mexico and Washington state. It's a good read. Marie has a way of endearing and honoring each person despite their foibles. It would be easy to label her brother and some of their reletives, but she doesn't go there. It's written with intelligence, compassion and love.
The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood - This was a sweet little summer read. Who knew? It's the tale of Odysseus's wife Penelope. While Oddyseus was galavanting around trying to get home after the Trojan War (he was gone for 20+ years) Penelope held down the fort so to speak at Ithaca. When Oddyseus returned home, there was some bloodshed, well, quite a bit of bloodshed, for which Penelope takes some responsibility. One need only know scant outlines of the stories of Odysseus and Helen of Troy in order to enjoy this book. Sort of an elevated Chick Lit I'd say.

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