Friday, October 10, 2014


Gone Girl - First of all, it's really good, and second, you don't need to spend the extra money to see it in Digitally Enhanced mode. Although Steve commented that it was great to see a movie on the big screen in a theater with the surround sound, he has no idea that the tickets for two of us for a Saturday matinee were $25.00 because it was Digitally Enhanced. Gone Girl stars Ben Affleck as Nick Dunne, the hunky husband of Amy, the gone girl. Movie followed book very nicely (the author also wrote the movie) with the twists and turns that made the book so readable. 

Neighbors - Put Seth Rogan, Zac Efron and Rose Byrne together and what do you get? Neighbors. They are all crazy and stop just at the other side of decent  which makes it OK to laugh even when the situation is really questionable. There's something about Seth - he's a nerdy cool nice guy, and Rose is so sweet and pretty and Zac gets the confident jerk just right so that you can't not like him although you might not. Watch after the credits have started rolling.  And if you've ever seen a cuter more darling baby, I want to know where! 

The Slikworm by Robert Glabrath - No.  I'm done with Cormoran Strike and these long long long long who done its that could be told in 25% of the pages. IF I read another one of these, I'm going to read the first few chapters to find out what the mystery is, and then skip to the end to see who did it. But I probably won't. Robert Galbraith, get thee to an editor. 

Once I Was Cool by Megan Stielstra - Coming off The Silkworm, this was excellent relief. Megan has compiled her writings, stories and essays into this book with a fabulous title. As your author, she's thoughtful, generous, sharing, honest and compassionate without fawning. She reads Kafka, and she's read him again and again and again, in order to be a student both of his writing and her own writing.  Totally enjoyable, and the last essay on the way essay writing is taught in school is excellent, and very timely, since I've been subbing and teaching that very way for years. It would be great to ask the kids to just write.  Just write. Just write.  And have that be the paper, and then don't grade it except where necessary to teach grammar and punctuation.  Once they've got the g & p, then let 'em go. If you want to read something new and different, Once I Was Cool might fill the bill. 

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