Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Ask Me Again Tomorrow A Life In Progress by Olympia Dukakis - What a woman. Olympia Dukakis, with all her greek and mother issues believed in herself and persevered to the top doing what she loved to do. I got this off my mom's shelf when she'd designated it for the go pile rather than the keep pile. It's a great book by the intelligent and thoughtful woman behind the actress who has played so many roles on stage and in the movies. I love that she is evolving no matter where she is in life - always looking toward the future and new opportunities. She has also spent many years studying the Goddess Theory, which gave the book a different kind of a depth and a deeper insight into Olympia. If you're inspired by stories about interesting and strong women, then this one is for you.
Blessed Are The Cheesemakers by Sarah-Kate Lynch - Although this irish story is sweet, there's something corny about the writing that wasn't my cup of tea, (or shall I say wheel of cheese). Maybe it's a little too musical, or the dialect is too imposed, although that, too is sweet. It's interesting to learn about how cheese is made, and I'm almost curious to try making some but I don't like the strong cheeses enough to go about it when there are things like timpano and caramel sauce to try. The end of the book justifies the getting there, and the story is filled with quirky surprises. 

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