Tuesday, September 2, 2014


To Be Loved The Music, The Magic, The Memories of Motown by Berry Gordy - I wish that I had read Berry Gordy's autobiography before seeing Motown The Musical.  The play was based on this book, and the book tells the entire story, whereas the play was composed of highlights. From humble beginnings in Detroit to the top of the music business in Hollywood, Gordy's brilliant musical mind inspired a passionate dream for his music to be heard around the world. For Motown devotees especially. 
Good Morning Vietnam - Peter wanted to see a Robin Williams movie, and this was one where he played both a character much like himself. It's a great movie, well paced and standing the test of time. It's got some of everything: conflict with the superiors, unrequited love, excellent music, great Robin Williams (Adrian Kraunauer) riffs, and a twist at the end that I didn't see coming. 

Begin Again - Nancy L. called to say that there were free passes to see this new movie, but  I said if it were going to be a sunny day, there was no way. So when Monday morning dawned overcast and rainy, Valerie joined me and we got to see a great new movie! It's a New York story about two people, a young woman who finds herself stranded far away from home, and a quirky guy who seems to be on his last legs. The third character, if you will, is the music.

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