Sunday, July 20, 2014


The People in the Photo by Helene Gestern - As I was reading this book in the genre of the letters between two strangers who begin a correspondence about long ago events, I was loving every minute of it.  But all in all, I wanted more from this novel which is really a very nice book.  It's ultimately about family secrets and the power that unknowing can hold over certain people who never quite feel complete, but can't really say why.  I think secrets are mostly wrong, and at the root of the necessity of psychology.  Without secrets, we have transparency, and with transparency we have more truth and integrity throughout our lives and therefore our world.  So definitely read it because it's good, it reads fast, and it can be thought provoking in all kinds of ways.

Sale-ing - The other day as I was still pondering whether I had the energy to have a yard sale, Valerie said that she'd been reading my blog and read about my past garage sales, and when I'd had sales in the past, I was happy about clearing out the stuff, making the money (I just added that because I always am) and meeting all the treasure hunters.  It was just what I needed to hear!  I texted Barbara to see if she'd be interested in joining me because every other person had a reason not to, and she said yes!  Yea!  First things first - the Craigslist ad - I even spiced it up with some fun clip art courtesy of a Google Image search).  I spent the next day mostly avoiding getting ready, then that evening, I got down to business.  Found the signs, the tables and surfaces, the clothes rack, and went through every room collecting things here and there.  Sale day was a Saturday, the same day as the Kenilworth Union Rummage Sale.  This is the north shore's premier rummage sale, so I knew we'd draw some traffic from those shoppers.  And we did.  I didn't think I had very much, and for the first time ever, I overpriced some things (overpriced for a garage sale, not necessarily overpriced for what it was).  I know better, so I am bringing a few things back in the house.  Not too much though, and as usual, I'm surprised at what sold and didn't sell.  I haven't yet put together my "sourdough" starter box for next year, and it's tempting not to have a starter box, but we all know that I will.  It's a mess downstairs, foyer and dining room are strewn, so I know what I'm doing today.  

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